provincial nominee program, canada

PNP পিএনপি হলো Province প্রভিন্স) থেকে স্কিলড প্রোগ্রাম এর মাধ্যমে এপলিকেশন করা। যারা Express entry (এক্সপ্রেস এন্টি) তে এলিজেবল হচ্ছেনা তারা PNP (পিএনপি) এর মাধ্যমে নমিনেশন নিয়ে এক্সপ্রেস এর জন্য এলিজেবল হবে। এখানে ৬০০ মার্ক অতিরিক্ত যুক্ত হবে। প্রোভিন্স এর ওয়েবসাইটে থেকে NOC (এনওসি) খুজে বের করতে হবে। Alberta এলবার্টা এবং Ontario ওন্টারিও তে PNP  পিএনপি প্রোগ্রাম হয়না। বাকি  Province প্রভিন্স)গুলোতে হয়।



Nova Scotia category-B occupation demand list

SL. No Occupation List NOC
1 Financial auditors and accountants 1111
2 Other financial officers 1114
3 Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public 1123
4 Administrative assistants 1241
5 Accounting and related clerks 1311
6 Civil engineers 2131
7 Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses 3012
8 Licensed practical nurses 3233
9 College and other vocational instructors 4021
10 Paralegal and related occupations 4211
11 Social and community service workers 4212


Minimum requirement:

  1. occupation demand list মপা এর মধ্যকার যে কোন একটা এনওসি তে ১ বছরের অভিজ্ঞতা লাগবে।
  2. Valid foreign diploma, certificate or credential and its educational credential assessment (ECA) by a designated body or valid Canadian educational credential.
  3. A minimum of 1 year of full-time (or equivalent part-time) paid work experience (in Canada or international) in the last 6 years
  4. IELTS (General training test only); CELPIP (General test only) CLB 7 in each of the 4 language abilities (reading, writing, listening and speaking).

আপনি যদি উপরোক্ত ৩ টা requirement meet কোয়াইরমেন্ট মিট করেন এবং উপরিউল্লেখিত demand list এর NOC এর সাথে যে কোন একটি মিলে যায় তাহলে নিচের ৬ টা সিলেকশন ফ্যক্টরস থেকে করুন। ১০০ পয়েন্টস এর মধ্যে ৬৭ পয়েন্টস গেলেই আপনি Eligble .

Factor 1: Education Maximum 25 points
Factor 2: Ability in English and/or French Maximum 28 points
Factor 3: Work experience Maximum 15 points
Factor 4: Age Maximum 12 points
Factor 5: Arranged employment in Nova Scotia Maximum 10 points
Factor 6: Adaptability Maximum 10 points
Total Maximum 100 points
Pass mark: 67 Points


Lis. Sp. Red. Writ. Into. total
CLB-4 4.5 4 3.5 4 *3 12
CLB-5 5 5 4 5 * 14
CLB-6 5.5 5.5 5 5.5 *4 16
CLB-7 6 6 6 6 * 18
CLB-8 7.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 *5 20
CLB-9 8 7 7 7 *5 20
CLB-10 8.5 7.5 8 7.5 *5 20


Selection Factor-1
University degree at the Doctoral (PhD) level 25
University degree at the Master’s level or University level entry-to- 23
practice professional degree or equal
Education Two or more post-secondary degrees or diplomas (at least one must 22
be for a program of at least three years)
Post-secondary degree or diploma for a program of three years or 21
Post-secondary degree or diploma for a two-year program 19
Post-secondary degree or diploma for a one-year program 15
Secondary school diploma (high school graduation) 5
Less than secondary school (high school) Ineligible


Selection Factor- 2: Ability in language

First Official Language speaking listening reading Writing
CLB level 9 or higher 6 6 6 6
CLB level 8 5 5 5 5
CLB level 7 4 4 4 4
Below CLB 7 Not eligible to apply


Selection Factor-3: work experience

Less tha 1year Ineligible
1 year 9
Work Experience 2-3 years 11
4-5 yeas 13
6 or more 15


Selection Factor-4: Age

Under 18 years of age Ineligible
18-35 years of age 12
36 years of age 11
37 years of age 10
38 years of age 09
39 years of age 08
Age 40 years of age 07
41 years of age 06
42 years of age 05
43 years of age 04
44 years of age 03
45 years of age 02
46 years of age 01
47 years of age or older 0


Selection Factor- 5:

Accompanying spouse or common-law partner’s level of language proficiency 05


Selection Factor-6 :Adaptability

Relative in Nova Scotia

Main applicant spouse point ( parent, grandparent, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, nice, nephew) , who is 19 years of age or older as of the date we receive your application, and who is a canadian citizen or permanenet resident residing in nova scotia.




Points Calculation


Factors Points Remarks
Education 23 Eca masters eqavalant
Official Language 24 CLB-9 (IELTS)
Work experience 09 1 Year job experience
Age 12 Below 35
Level of language 05 CLB-8
proficiency of Spouse
Total 75 67 is enough